On December 27th, a Royal Decree was published in the Official State Bulletin (BOE) to modify the Technical Building Code. In the following article we explain the most important changes.
Did you know that the construction sector is one of the most energy-consuming activities? It is estimated that up to 40% of the energy consumed worldwide comes from this sector. Energy efficiency in buildings is another Achilles’ heel in terms of energy expenditure.
These are the two main reasons why the Technical Building Code is being updated and modified. In the context of the climate crisis, the aim is to promote energy from renewable sources and, at the same time, to optimise the internal consumption of new buildings.
What is going on with the new Technical Building Code?
On the one hand, it is intended that from the end of 2020 all new homes (and all public buildings) will have almost no energy consumption. In order to achieve this, energy efficiency requirements will be modified.
On the other hand, the Basic Document on Energy Saving and Health will also be updated to match the standards set by the European Union. In this regard, special emphasis is placed on reducing CO2 emissions into the environment.
In summary, the new line to be followed after the approval of this decree is that of lower energy demand and high energy efficiency.
How to improve the energy efficiency of a house?
There are many ways to reduce the environmental footprint of buildings and homes. Some of them are really simple and others require rehabilitation work. Here are some examples:
- Improved thermal insulation of walls and ceilings
- Replacement of inefficient heating or cooling systems
- Installation of photovoltaic energy generators or biomass exploitation systems
- Integration of rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse systems
These four actions are perhaps the most representative, but every day there are more solutions to improve the energy efficiency of houses, flats and apartments.
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Innovation in this field will ensure that we increasingly achieve better comfort and quality of life while reducing our impact on the environment.
What are the specific goals of this update?
By way of recapitulation, we can highlight the following specific objectives arising from this Royal Decree:
- Savings in energy consumption and use of renewable sources
- Reduction of the use of primary sources and energy efficiency
- Adaptation to European Directive 2010/31/EU (WEEE)
- Progressive elimination of CO2 emissions from buildings