Ibiza Country Villas has attended the meeting between APIBIZA and the Consell Insular. The reunion took place yesterday and had the presence of the members of the Board of Directors of the Real Estate Association of PIMEEF, in which we are integrated.
The president of the Consell d’Eivissa, Vicent Marí, and the Conseller of Presidency and Environmental Management, Vicent Roig, attended in representation of the insular institution.
The meeting addressed the situation of the real estate market in Ibiza and the most relevant issues affecting the sector, such as the processing of property documentation, urban plans of municipalities, as well as certificates of habitability.
There was also time to share concerns about intrusion and the need for regulation in the real estate sector, the preservation of the environment and natural environment and the current situation of the rental market.
From Ibiza Country Villas we extract a very positive evaluation of the meeting, since different points of view were shared and the bases for future collaborations were established in order to contribute and to apply solutions in a joint way.
Both our company and the other members that make up APIBIZA have the will to maintain the atmosphere of dialogue, helping as much as possible to tackle current problems and look to the future.
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High standing villa for sale in Ibiza
Be sure to visit our Ibiza properties section. We have updated our list of villas, houses, apartments and flats for sale, as the villa of high standing that you see in the photo above.